Absolutely wonderful Geoff! Have you seen the website from David Sorensen called Stop World Control? https://stopworldcontrol.com/cabal/ Discover the network that terrorizes humanity. "Fall of the Cabal" is ten short Episodes followed by a Sequel with 25 Episodes which explains the history going back to Noah.....and much more. Good for everyone to get a handle on absolute evil.
Thanks Alvina. Looks like there’s some good content in there. I went right to the final episode, “The Return of the King.” Wasn’t who I was expecting…it’s John F. Kennedy Jr., who is…not dead, according to QAnon and co. But I think it’s pretty well documented he is.
Great article Geoff and a nice introduction to Unacceptable Jessica; which was also fascinating. I can tell she's of your soul tribe Geoff, she mentioned Buckminster Fuller.
May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Liked by Geoff Olson
Oh, this made me cry, I literally jumped at seeing his name, a forgotten time of so much hope. The underbelly he knew well dispatched him so easily even w/out social media then. I remember one year at VIFF when Belafonte was here, someone said 'What happened?' and he replied 'We blinked.' Hanne's still going strong though:
OH! that man is a fascinatingly evil figure. I always thought there was 'something' amiss, so thanks of clearing it all up. Also, for introduction to Unacceptable Jessica. Brilliant stuff.
Thanks Monica. I actually found Strong something of a Rorsharch Blot. I just relayed what I could find, while leaving judgement on his character to the reader. However, I strongly suspect he was being supported by much bigger players with bigger intentions.
Yes indeed. Identifying those players is now Job 1, and we all have our theories. Of course, they're all 'conspiracy theories'...I would bet you a case of good German beer that they're all going to come true...again!
I read that he was a co-founder of the WEF, along with K Schwab in 1971, I believe. I do not remember where I read that, but it was in the last year.
Thanks, I haven’t come across that myself. Will have to check out the claim.
Absolutely wonderful Geoff! Have you seen the website from David Sorensen called Stop World Control? https://stopworldcontrol.com/cabal/ Discover the network that terrorizes humanity. "Fall of the Cabal" is ten short Episodes followed by a Sequel with 25 Episodes which explains the history going back to Noah.....and much more. Good for everyone to get a handle on absolute evil.
Thanks Alvina. Looks like there’s some good content in there. I went right to the final episode, “The Return of the King.” Wasn’t who I was expecting…it’s John F. Kennedy Jr., who is…not dead, according to QAnon and co. But I think it’s pretty well documented he is.
False hope can sometimes be appealing when we are so threatened.
Great article Geoff and a nice introduction to Unacceptable Jessica; which was also fascinating. I can tell she's of your soul tribe Geoff, she mentioned Buckminster Fuller.
Oh, this made me cry, I literally jumped at seeing his name, a forgotten time of so much hope. The underbelly he knew well dispatched him so easily even w/out social media then. I remember one year at VIFF when Belafonte was here, someone said 'What happened?' and he replied 'We blinked.' Hanne's still going strong though:
OH! that man is a fascinatingly evil figure. I always thought there was 'something' amiss, so thanks of clearing it all up. Also, for introduction to Unacceptable Jessica. Brilliant stuff.
Thanks Monica. I actually found Strong something of a Rorsharch Blot. I just relayed what I could find, while leaving judgement on his character to the reader. However, I strongly suspect he was being supported by much bigger players with bigger intentions.
Yes indeed. Identifying those players is now Job 1, and we all have our theories. Of course, they're all 'conspiracy theories'...I would bet you a case of good German beer that they're all going to come true...again!