Fascinating idea to compare the two - i need to find the definition of "gaslighting" < Microsoft spell checker suggests space or hyphen between gas and lighting. The Oxford dictionary is in the process of updating. Wikipedia defines it : "Gaslighting is a colloquialism, loosely defined as making someone question their own reality. The term may also be used to describe a person who presents a false narrative to another group or person which leads them to doubt their perceptions and become disoriented or distressed. Generally, this dynamic is only possible when the audience is vulnerable, such as in unequal power relationships, or when the audience is fearful of the losses associated with challenging the false narrative. Gaslighting is not necessarily malicious or intentional, although in some cases it is." Wow! good candidate for a book on this subject.

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I look forward to being on your Covid Abuse Game Show....wait, I'm already on it!

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Scare everyone into dumping their stocks, drive the price down and buy it all up before they discover it's a false alarm. Then pump it all back up under the guise of ignorance, call it luck! Pump pump it back up! Don't forget to sell at the top ;)

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Just try to go out in public, outdoors or in, without any clothes on.

However innocent, healthy, and beneficial this is for you and fellow advocates, legislators and the legal system have abusively restricted you, as if you were outling weirdos and uncaring, perverse risks to everyone's well-being. You can't, alas, go about your lives sans clothing without swift, serious repercussions.

Cry as you might that your fuzzy danglies have a right to this freedom, governments continue to force everyone -- everyone! in public! even in the warmest of weather! -- to burden their bodies with coverings, which have significant costs in obtaining and wearing them, including one's sense of autonomous well-being, yet damn, they do. Even those with shingles, for example, have to cover all searing parts when they venture out. Yet the powers-that-be get away with it. Where are the rallies, sans clothing, of the many who see the injustice of this?

So go ahead and make that anology, call the rally of nudist, beleagured freedom-fighters (maybe in a mall, don't want to let mere winter dictate to the cause), then write a piece about that gaslighting.

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