Vacca = Cow

Vaccine= cash cow .

Apologies to Laurie but

language is more than a virus. It’s a mine field in a hall of mirrors built in a house of cards on the mad hatter’s head. If we aren’t vigilant in keeping our heads above water in this sewer flood of free floating verbiage in our respective rabbit holes it will be another PanicDemic attended by its evil cousin Jabberwocky 2.0

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Oy vey; we've been had again, haven't we. I knew about these new word variants, but I didn't know that they have finally!!! admitted that the word 'vaccines' was always just a propaganda prop. Very fine post, thanks Geoff. And also, the satirical piece in Common Ground...quite uplifting, if you know what I mean.

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Gene therapy, hey? What do you suppose we are supposed to change into? Maybe beings that interact smoothly with robots? Probably no doubt there.

Faye L.

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Nature says that mRNA vaccines ARE a form gene therapy; it isn't the secret of a cabal meeting in Berlin: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41435-021-00136-6

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I recently finished reading Rebecca Solnit's Orwell's Roses and her choice of material from his writings emanated eerie echoes of present flummery. At the very end, she mentioned that she had declined to draw the parallels because they're so glaringly obvious. Fine book!

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