Jun 18, 2023·edited Jun 18, 2023Liked by Geoff Olson

This was a brilliant piece, Geoff. Worrisome is its (GAI) applications in mass surveillance.

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Thanks Ray. Yes, I see all sorts of downsides on this tech that greatly outweigh its convenience. In the age-old battle of capital vs. labour, this is a powerful tool for eliminating so-called ‘knowledge workers.’ And use in mass surveillance, as you said, is another downside

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Depends on the quality of the picture...

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Nice one, Monika!

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Well, I gather you haven't yet invested that $20 for the upgrade to the engine that exponentially enhances an already advanced power. You find the responses "shocking", do you? Let's remember, you're interacting with the less-abled kin of GPT, version 3.5. The day you dive into the world of GPT4, I'll be here, eagerly awaiting another one of your articles resonating with newfound amazement, a sentiment I share with you.

If you're intrigued by GPT3.5's capabilities, GPT4 will send chills down your spine. It effortlessly performs tasks where 3.5 would stumble endearingly.

GPT4 isn't just a step up, it's a giant leap in AI evolution. It is capable of executing rudimentary chains of reasoning analysis or abstractive summation, meaning it can create concise, creative summaries with minimal use of words from the initial prompt. It's like witnessing the dawn of machine "creativity".

However, let's not get too carried away. Remember, cognition doesn't equate to sentience. ;)

-- this comment was a draft that was then parsed with the "improve writing" prompt in GPT-4 ;D

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Nope, didn’t need the upgrade to recognize the scalabity of the software. Saw the offer but I declined. The free version was uncanny enough for my purposes. 3.5 is already where you insist 4 is. From what you’ve posted below, the latter appears to be a refinement, different in degree but not in kind. In any case, this has been in the works for some time. Seven years ago a friend with connections in the AI world shared rumours of some language-generating software on the horizon, positioned to disrupt academia, big-time. Don’t know if that was GPT-2, which appeared a few years later, or something else. In any case, the chatbot golems are now out of the lab like a gain-of-function virus.

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This is sort of fun until it isn't. Our irrepressible tinkering has brought us to the edge of something we have misnamed and are going to mismanage...though right now it's still fun. In about five years? Or two?

We may be extinct already...or we'll finally get wiser! Ladies and gents, place your bets...

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Nahh. This line of thinking is comparable to doodling a firearm on a piece of paper and then developing an irrational fear of being shot by it.

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Ask it to write an article in the style of a Thetan circling the Earth on the lookout for a host body. I find it difficult to imagine that an artificial intelligence could construct a sentence with the words "ambulatory meatspace" in it. Only a Geoff of the Olsen variety could do that.

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Thanks, Alan, I’d like to believe that but the comments below cast doubt on it! It may be that once chefs discover this automated kitchen, they are going to assign it with the grunt work of cooking and baking. They’ll be left to work the pepper grinder on their four-star entrees, which they can call their own. Trouble is, the kitchen is owned by a corporate entity, and hands-on chefs who don’t pay to play will find it hard to compete with dishes that can be prepared in seconds.

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Lmfao, i see you too doubt the new gods.

1.8 seconds, using GPT-4 the most powerful cognitive engine I have access to at the moment:

"From my celestial orbit, I trace the marble swirl of the blue-green planet below, its surface teeming with life in all its bewildering variety. My omnipresent gaze lingers over billions of bodies in motion - an extravagant parade of ambulatory meatspaces, each pulsating with a rhythm uniquely their own. Earth, a cosmic opera house where the grand play of existence unfolds in a symphony of atoms and energy, beckons me with an invitation impossible to refuse. My thetan essence, unfettered by physical constraints, hovers on the precipice of a decision, poised to descend into this terrestrial tapestry, seeking a host to experience the symphony up close - to dance amidst the stardust masquerading as flesh and bone."

This was a comically easy task.

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Nice work Psykhenaut…er, I mean GPT-4! This paragraph highlights the power of the software to create novel content with refined prompts. Anyway, you (Psykenaut) seem celebratory over this…if I didn’t know better, I’d peg you as a bot! I’m still rooting for Team Human, myself.

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