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Apr 2Liked by Geoff Olson

I finally realized my coffee wasn't strong enough when I tried to 🤪 google "Eudora Overton". omg, scary.. But love the discovery of Kurt Schwitters, thank you.

Bravo - there has to be some kind of very high paying award for this somewhere..

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Apr 2Liked by Geoff Olson

Curiouser and curiouser….. just as it was feeling safe to go outside as a raging white male sis hetero wannabe weirdo without a job, the whole hall of social identity mirrors collapses into an eternally self reflexive post-sexual zeitgeist of indeterminacy. Methinks someone is having a good laugh at the expense of SJW’s -and just about everyone else.

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Apr 2Liked by Geoff Olson

Well, I've just finished reading your article and seen the video attached and I think now that I'm in a decidedly altered state of consciousness; a good thing Geoff as it's an altered state in the way that the satirical prose Tom Robbins writes can alter you. So good work there old bean. I have nothing to give back in response, my noodle has been well and truly baked. Those Icelandic types can do that to you, you know.

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As someone even older than this guy, I hope he simply put himself on the next available ice floe and left the echo chamber of his mind. What a relief!

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Apr 1Liked by Geoff Olson

As a founding member of the Feminist International Network of Socialist Lesbians Against Pornography (FINSLAP) I can attest how things have really gotten out of hand since then.

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