Fascinating and timely piece since we're going to vote soon and perhaps need a reminder of what a real politician with guts and ideas looks like. May we see his like again; we need people like him more than ever. Thanks for a great tribute. I have sent it to my finds and family.

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Thanks, Monika. Bob was a great example and exemplar for anyone entering politics for the right reasons.

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Thanks for this great tribute to a great man. I knew of Bob Williams as a serious mover and shaker in our province, but this podcast interview from a few years ago really humanized him for me. Thankfully he was able to go on making great advancements long after being an elected politician


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Glad you appreciated it Glen, I’ll give the podcast a listen. Thanks for the link.

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Sep 21Liked by Geoff Olson

Thank you for this. It brings back fond memories of the Barrett days and celebrating his victory in UVIC"s Sub Pub in 1972. I was 21 at the time and it was all very exciting! Certainly remember Bob Williams as well. I didn't realize all the things he had done for us in BC nor did I realize that he had passed.

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You were a part of BC history, Barb!

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Sep 21Liked by Geoff Olson

Wonderful article. Thank you. He was a fantastic and truly human being.🌹

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Thank you, Jess. Indeed he was.

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Sep 23Liked by Geoff Olson

A big THANK YOU Geoff for publishing this detailed information on the importance of appreciating and learning from Bob Williams' dedication to Service and improving the lives of us all in British Columbia. Would there be a possibility to distribute this your work to all high schools?

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You’re welcome, Gerd. I’d like to think of this little-remembered stretch of BC history as being part of the high school curricula!

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Sep 23Liked by Geoff Olson

Thank you for this posting. I didn't know about Bob Williams. Very poignant at this moment as we have an ass sitting in our mayor's office determined to privatize our Parks Board.

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Thanks, Kirsten. I just found out about this effort to cripple the Parks Board and log a third of Stanley Park.

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Sep 21Liked by Geoff Olson

I might be anti-capitalism, or, more accurately, anti-greed and the like, however, being forced to play the capitalist game, I would be immensely attracted to a political system that embodied what Bob Williams was fighting for: the betterment of all people of all classes by putting public funds to good use. Where are those politicians today? Obscured and muted by the lesser people, no doubt.

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Thanks, Nelson. I think of Bob as a pragmatist rather than an ideologue. He got things done by ignoring the ‘proper’ way to think, from either the left or right.

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Just want to quick add. I'll be voting NDP provincially, even if they've done some dumb things, the alternative is so much worse.

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RIP Bob Williams

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I might be anti-capitalism, or, more accurately, anti-greed and the like, however, being forced to play the capitalist game, I would be immensely attracted to a political system that embodied what Bob Williams was fighting for: the betterment of all people of all classes by putting public funds to good use. Where are those politicians today? Obscured and muted by the lesser people, no doubt.

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